Neal David Grover
AKA: Davie
David is a Compliance Officer for the City of Salt Lake, and has been for the last 9 years. He has worked both the Impound Lot of SLC as well as being an Officer working a beat on the streets of Salt Lake City. David has had a passion for food his whole life and has worked in commercial kitchens such as The Country Club, American Express Executive Dining Services, as well as doing competition cooking. David has taught classes for local grocery stores, as well as taught people who are willing to just come and listen and learn. David believes knowledge is useless unless it is passed on to the future.
ex_chef24 yahoo.com
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Jamie Boyle
AKA: Jamie Dee
Jamie Boyle, the better half of the Half Baked Hippies is in her 16th year with The Great State of Utah as the Payroll lead with ERIC (Employee Resource Information Center) Jamie enjoys the hands on part of scrapbooking, card making, and doing the logistics of the BBQ completion planning. Jamie is the half of the team that keeps Davie in line as best she can and picks up all the slack as he gets distracted with his social butterfly side.
grooovy212 yahoo.com
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Half Baked Hippies
The Half Baked Hippies, came to be when our first back yard competition required a team name, David asked Jamie what she thought a good name would be and it was Half Baked Hippies!! It was a hit and we have run with it from there. We have out Tie Dyed shirts, hats, table cloths, our Shroom table décor with a candy dish for the public to snack on when the have the munchies. Jamie and David started cooking together in 2009, when David’s Dutch oven team mate was killed out side of Reno NV by a drug impaired driver. Jamie came in and has been a great fit since. In 2010 the duo was told that the real challenge of competition cooking was BBQ competition, so when the chance came they took it and have been hooked ever since. Over the past couple of years the team has had some success, but there is more to come.
